We offer diverse Trainings to raise awareness, inform and train knowledge multipliers who can learn and apply new tools for working towards the Conservation, Regeneration, and Sustainability of all aquatic ecosystems.
These are Environmental Education projects that promote "A New Water Culture" and "Ocean Literacy". They are addressed to schools, small communities, festivals, outdoor events, etc. They can also focus on girls and women.
Webinars and Training Programs (in-person and online) that promote Sustainable Blue Businesses related to Water and the Ocean. They are addressed to the Private Sector: startups, social and environmental businesses, small or large companies.
Workshops, Training Sessions and Courses (in-person and online) focused on:
They are addressed to condominiums, schools, some commercial ventures, villages, and small communities.
Some of them:
These trainings are carried out by Acqua Mater's various trusted partners, spread throughout Brazil. They are its arms or "tentacles". Octopuses are known for their enormous intelligence and ability to "solve problems”.