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We offer different types of Experiences to deeply reconnect people with the WATER-OCEAN World from personal, social, and environmental perspectives. Participants will "dive into their own waters" while slowing down from urban rhythms and expanding their perception of life and the world.



Experiences that take place in heated pools or natural waters that allow you to relax and deeply connect with yourself, in a space of respect and trust. The “external waters” allow us to connect with our “internal waters”, with our memories and emotions. A vehicle for self-knowledge that awakens a new environmental consciousness regarding the waters that circulate on the planet.

Duration: from 3-4 hours to 2-3 days, depending on the objective.

The 3 pillars of ACQUA MATER EXPERIENCE (A.M.E.): Presence, Listening, Care.

The practices are adapted according to the needs of each audience:
  • Corporate (Team Building);
  • Healthcare Professionals;
  • Students and Professionals working for SDG 6 & SDG 14;
  • Performing Artists and Athletes;
  • Who fear the Water and seek for self-knowledge.

Click here to listen to testimonials from Young Water Leaders who have been impacted by Acqua Mater Experience workshops


We curate immersive journeys to destinations characterized by the presence of water, blending experiences of "Connection with Nature" and "Knowledge Exploration". The itinerary and schedule of activities vary according to the scope of the trip and the audience:

  • Students and/or Water & Sanitation Professionals;
  • Students and/or Ocean Professionals;
  • Business Leaders.

Our team includes coaches, biologists, scientists, environmental educators, and other experts.

Para 2024, em parceria com a Let Viagens de Experiência, estão sendo organizadas Expedições para os seguintes destinos:
Fernando de Noronha
Serra da Mantiqueira
Amazônia Paraense
(rios Arapiuns e Tapajós)
Para mais informações, entre em contato conosco


Acqua Mater's team of artists can bring the WATER and the OCEAN to you! We offer customized event programs tailored to your goals, audience, and location, whether it's a festival, congress, exhibition, sports competition, school celebration, city event, or ceremony.

  • Musical Shows;
  • Poetry Reading;
  • Storytelling;
  • Photography or Cinema Exhibitions;
  • Video mapping Installations;
  • Theater/Dance Performances;
  • Children's Theater Plays.
What EXPERIENCE do you need?
Tell us a little more and we'll find the solution for you!