For over 20 years, Patricia has been actively engaged in the convergence of Arts, Education, and Sustainability. Her diverse background encompasses work in academic, artistic, business, governmental, and non-profit sectors. Driven by an unwavering passion for rivers and seas, she founded Acqua Mater in 2017, placing WATER and the OCEAN at the heart of all its projects.
As Ocean Literacy Consultant for IOC-UNESCO, she’s responsible for the creation of educative tools, publications, interactive materials and development of strategies that can support governments, educators, the private sector, media and NGOs to spread the word about the ocean and contribute to the achievement of the SDG 14 and the Agenda 2030.
Ana has a background in Marine Spatial Planning by the Itinerary Master Erasmus Mundus and is currently following a post-graduation in Diplomatic Studies by IBMEC Brazil.
She is an enthusiast of Ocean Literacy (OL), Culture, and Heritage and is honored to work in cooperation with the OL community worldwide with IOC-UNESCO.
Fisheries Engineer, PhD in Ecology, and Postdoctoral Researcher in Psychosociology of Communities and Social Ecology.
She has dedicated over 28 years to the field of public policies for the conservation and sustainable use of coastal and marine biodiversity.
She is a professor in the Professional Master's and PhD Program in Biodiversity in Conservation Units at the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, and a board member of the League of Women for the Ocean.
She previously served as the Director of Climate Public Policy at the Talanoa Institute.
In the Ministry of Environment, she has also held positions as the Director of Protected Areas and Ecosystems.
She also leads the Innovation at WIL Global, as well as partnerships, entrepreneurship, mentorship, and network building in Waterlution programs in Brazil and Mozambique.
A strong advocate for women's leadership in the water sector, she creates opportunities for women and youth who aspire to realize their innovative ideas.
Bringing her 20 years of experience as a facilitator, project coordinator, performer, director, and learning experience designer to Waterlution, she has been collaborating with the organization since 2010 in Canada, Brazil, Portugal, and Mozambique.
He has roots in Social Architecture, Urbanism, Aikido, Arts, and Communication. Besides being a TEDx Speaker, he has been working for 25 years as a speaker and facilitator in companies, universities, and other institutions (FGV, HSM, MAM, Perestroika, SESC, SENAC, Sputnik, Waterlution, etc.), inspiring people with his vision for the challenges of the 21st century.
His language is light and impactful, awakening new perceptions about leadership, sustainability, and education. His work is based on dialogue and vibrant experiences that give shape and meaning to a new awareness of how we live and coexist.
He has 30 years of experience in the socio-environmental field.
He is a biologist with a specialization in Limnology from Unesp in Botucatu, São Paulo, and holds a Master's degree in Sustainability from FIA, affiliated with the Faculty of Economics and Administration at the University of São Paulo.
He is engaged in various organizations and initiatives, including the Latin American Alliance of Water Funds, the Brazil Section of the World Water Forum, the Water Governance Observatory Steering Committee, and the Water Working Group of the UN Global Compact's Brazil Network.
He is a columnist for the Um Só Planeta (Only One Planet) platform of Grupo Globo.
He actively participated in the discussions for the development of Brazil's first National Water Resources Plan.