For over 20 years, Patricia has been actively engaged in the convergence of Arts, Education, and Sustainability. Her diverse background encompasses work in academic, artistic, business, governmental, and non-profit sectors. Driven by an unwavering passion for rivers and seas, she founded Acqua Mater in 2017, placing WATER and the OCEAN at the heart of all its projects.
As Ocean Literacy Consultant for IOC-UNESCO, she’s responsible for the creation of educative tools, publications, interactive materials and development of strategies that can support governments, educators, the private sector, media and NGOs to spread the word about the ocean and contribute to the achievement of the SDG 14 and the Agenda 2030.
Ana has a background in Marine Spatial Planning by the Itinerary Master Erasmus Mundus and is currently following a post-graduation in Diplomatic Studies by IBMEC Brazil.
She is an enthusiast of Ocean Literacy (OL), Culture, and Heritage and is honored to work in cooperation with the OL community worldwide with IOC-UNESCO.
Business administrator and Master's degree holder in Production Engineering from COPPE/UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro).
She has been working with Corporate Sustainability for 20 years in various contexts and economic sectors.
As a consultant, she supports organizations in integrating ESG parameters into business management, in dialogue with the Executive Board and the Board of Directors.
She serves as a judge for the Eco Sustainability Award by AMCHAM and is a professor in several Sustainability and ESG courses at PUC-Rio, UFRJ, and the Ethos Institute of Companies and Social Responsibility, of which she has been a member since 2008.
Lawyer from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and Postgraduate in Projects and Business in the Electric Sector from IBMEC/RJ.
With over 20 years of experience in leadership positions in the legal field.
As Legal Director of Enel Brazil, she is responsible for providing full legal support to the business areas and managing contingencies.
She is also a graduate in psychology and a writer.
She has published two books: "Quando o dia amanhece" (When the Day Dawns) and "Enquanto olho o cardápio" (While I look at the Menu).